Walk In The Park

Inspired Landscape Architecture The City of Markham takes the Burr Oak seriously. As the city’s official tree, its leaf and acorn appear on all park signs. Consequently, a large Burr Oak on a [...]


A Vote Of Confidence

As the provincial election looms, where do party leaders stand on housing issues? On or before June 2, Ontarians will head to the polls to determine who will lead them into the immediate future, [...]


The Right Fit

When casting your ballot, you need to ask who offers the best devices to address a mounting crisis As we prepare to head to the polls, many Ontarians are wondering whether they can afford a place [...]


It’s Not Easy Being Green

Time, money and a whole new set of parameters is making sustainable building and transparency a challenge—but a necessary one Halfway through his webinar, Purposeful Disruption: Change for Good, [...]